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Robot arms are used in a wide range of applications, each differing based on the type of action or motion performed by the robot’s end-effector. Applications involving pick-and-place tasks are essentially point to point navigation but do not necessitate a specific path to be followed during the transition between start and goal states. However, some applications are more dynamic and require the end-effector to respond to a rapidly changing control signal in a more “real-time” way. Some of the examples include a gesture controlled robot in mixed reality applications, surgical robotics, remote controlling a robotic arm in hazardous situations, and many more.
In such situations, servoing is used to great effect.
Servoing is simple in concept: the end-effector of the robot arm responds to incremental changes in spatial pose, either directed through velocities or a constantly changing target pose to track. Such motion is achieved with velocity mapping via an inverse Jacobian. The Jacobian for a robotic arms provides the relation between the joint velocities (joint space) and the end effector velocities (cartesian space). There is no trajectory planning involved in this control scheme, which boosts the computational speed.
Most robotic platforms such Universal Robots, Kinova, and UFactory come equipped with servoing capability out-of-the-box. However, these default servoing stacks lack one critical feature — environment awareness.
Environment awareness involves detecting the presence of external obstacles to avoid collisions. This function relies on perception and requires additional sensors like depth cameras, or LiDARs. Moveit Servo is a ROS package that offers environment-aware servoing capabilities that ensure collisions are prevented while maintaining the low-latency control that servoing applications require.
One can get started with Moveit Servo by referencing the official tutorial. This is a hands-on demonstration using ROS noetic and a UR5 Arm simulated in Gazebo Classic. However, it does not work out of the box and will require some changes to launch files, configure YAML, and Readme instructions.
At a conceptual level, configuring Moveit Servo requires a suitable ROS interface to the robot driver (be it position, velocity, or effort), a depth stream, configuring the move_group node to use that depth stream and publish a planning scene, and configuring the Moveit Servo node to listen to that planning scene, joint_states from the robot, and user provided inputs. move_group setup can be ignored in case obstacle detection is not needed. Here is a more detailed breakdown of these steps -
We implemented Moveit Servo on a Kinova Gen3 robot arm, both in simulation and on real hardware. We used mediapipe to implement a gesture recognition deep learning model that identifies the position of the moving hand in the image frame. We map these pixels into real world coordinates using appropriate scaling, and feed in this information to Moveit Servo. As a result, the robot’s end-effector follows the user. It has collision detection enabled with an external depth camera.
Moveit Servo, while effective, has its fair share of shortcomings and pitfalls. Over the course of developing and extensive testing with Moveit Servo, we identified some useful pointers to achieve the best results:
Considering the ubiquity of Moveit in the articulated arm sphere, Moveit Servo is a useful yet lesser-known add-on. The framework makes it possible to deploy servoing on robotic manipulators with ease. At the same time, it does take some understanding on the front of ROS/ROS2, Moveit, ROS controllers, simulation setups, and robotic arms to fully leverage the package. There is also room to incorporate a more assistive teleoperation functionality, where the robot arm respects the user commands while safely avoiding obstacles. If you’re looking to build intelligent and perception integrated solutions for robotic arms, and your requirements are more than what plug-and-play open-source provides — reach out to us!